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By Continuing I Agree That I Am at Least 13 Years Quora

"I agree" is an expression so common in the English language, that you're bound to use it a lot, including in formal contexts such as an essay or an article. In this article, we will give you several alternative synonyms that you can freely use for "I agree with you".

Other Ways to Say I Agree With You (Formal)

The three preferred alternatives are "you are exactly correct", "I couldn't have said it any better" and "my thoughts exactly". These are all great ways to establish a link with the person that you're talking to, by letting them know that you agree wholeheartedly.

You Are Exactly Correct

"You are exactly correct" is a very powerful phrase that you can use to let people know that not only are they correct, but they are exactly correct, which means that there is no room for error in what they are saying. It's a really solid alternative to use.

When you want to use different phrases to express the core idea of "I agree with you", "you are exactly correct" is one that people like, because people like being told that they are right.

Here are some example sentences showcasing the proper use of "you are exactly correct":

  1. You are exactly correct, I think we should take quick action very soon.
  2. I checked up on our filing system and you are exactly correct, actually.
  3. I called them and you are exactly correct, they made a mistake with the dates.
  4. I'm going to reconfirm tonight but for now you are exactly correct, it was their issue, not ours.
  5. You are exactly correct, I can't believe I let them convince me otherwise.

I Couldn't Have Said It Any Better

"I couldn't have said it any better" is a really cool and quirky way to express your agreement with what someone else just said. This phrase is considered a really enthusiastic way to express your agreement, and people generally look favorably upon the use of it.

Using "I couldn't have said it any better" is a good way to get the person you're talking to pleased, because you've implied there is no better phrasing than the one they used.

These are some example sentences of "I couldn't have said it any better" used in different ways:

  1. I couldn't have said it any better, it's unfortunate that it happened but we have to deal with it.
  2. I couldn't have said it any better, we have to take quick action.
  3. I couldn't have said it any better, you're completely right about this issue.
  4. I couldn't have said it any better, it's key that we take a measured response.
  5. I couldn't have said it any better, we'll go over tomorrow to settle this problem.

My Thoughts Exactly

"My thoughts exactly" is a really interesting and creative way of expressing your agreement with someone else. When you say "my thoughts exactly", you're telling the person that their thoughts match exactly with your own, which means that you completely agree on a specific issue.

There are few phrases as succinct and efficient at expressing their agreement with someone than "my thoughts exactly", and it's still fitting for a formal context.

Here are some example sentences that will teach you how to use "my thoughts exactly" in different ways:

  1. My thoughts exactly, if we don't do anything then our hands are clean.
  2. My thoughts exactly, it's shameful that we haven't done anything up until this moment.
  3. My thoughts exactly, her speech was delightful and it made me angry that we didn't pay attention.
  4. My thoughts exactly, he's practically a new modern genius of our times.
  5. My thoughts exactly, I think he's going to do great things in the future.

I Couldn't Agree More

"I couldn't agree more" is a good way to express the agreement that you share with someone else, because what you're saying with this particular phrase is that you literally couldn't be more in sync with what the other person is saying.

"I couldn't agree more" is a good phrase for a formal context, because it's not overly verbose or ornate in its assembly, but it's still not using casual or informal language.

These examples will show you how you can use "I couldn't agree more" in several contexts:

  1. I couldn't agree more, the correct approach here is to simply wait it out.
  2. I couldn't agree more, his first movie was significantly better and this one was bad.
  3. I couldn't agree more, it was easily the best album of 2021 no matter what the critics said.
  4. I couldn't agree more, I'm going to go over to his place to talk about it now.
  5. I couldn't agree more, he was an absolutely masterful writer and I'm sad he passed away.

I Completely Agree

"I completely agree" is perhaps the most efficient, practical way to express your agreement with someone. Not only are you stating that you agree with this phrase, but you're also including the word "completely", which brings to mind the idea that the person has your full support.

"I completely agree" is a classic phrase, and it's therefore incredibly useful for any sort of formal context because it's the baseline for expressing full agreement in any way.

Here are some example sentences we've created to showcase different uses of "I completely agree":

  1. I completely agree, it's really tragic what happened to that family and it made me sad.
  2. I completely agree, I think the critics were overly harsh on that movie.
  3. I completely agree, I'm going to go work on that right now and make those changes.
  4. I completely agree, she's going to give a really good performance this Sunday.
  5. I completely agree, I'm so excited for the concert that they're giving soon.

We Are Of The Same Mind

"We are of the same mind" is a cool phrase, because it's a straightforward way to express your agreement that implies that the agreement you share with the person is so large, that you may as well have the exact same mind.

"We are of the same mind" is a somewhat more idiomatic phrase that can easily make someone understand that you fully agree with the ideas that they have outlined.

Here are some examples that we have created in order for you to learn how to properly use this phrase:

  1. We are of the same mind, when they come over we can sit them down and talk to them.
  2. We are of the same mind, this desk will look so good with the rest of your furniture.
  3. We are of the same mind, this new project is going to pay for all of our debts in a year.
  4. We are of the same mind, I think that he's going to have incredible potential.
  5. We are of the same mind, all of her posters look really incredible hanging on her walls.

That's Exactly How I Feel

Another cool way to express your agreement with someone else is by saying "that's exactly how I feel". The nice thing about this phrase is that you are not just saying that you agree with their ideas, but that their feelings are also your feelings.

By making this connection on the level of feelings and not just facts and logic, you're ensuring that the person is going to be pleased with your agreement towards their ideas.

"That's exactly how I feel" is a very variable phrase, as these example sentences will show you:

  1. That's exactly how I feel, if we switch up the department order we could be way more efficient.
  2. That's exactly how I feel, we could be doing really incredible things here.
  3. That's exactly how I feel, this radio show is truly a lot of wasted potential.
  4. That's exactly how I feel, the curriculum requires a lot of changes to properly work.
  5. That's exactly how I feel, this laptop's battery lasts so much time it's really amazing.

I Was Just Going To Say That

A cool and quirky way to convey the fact that you agree with someone is by saying "I was just going to say that". While this phrase could be literal, the gist of it is that your thoughts are similar enough that you were going to say the same thing.

"I was just going to say that" is a phrase that is valid to use in formal contexts, but it's not the sort of phrase you'd find in an email, because it's for oral conversations.

These examples are going to teach you how to use "I was just going to say that":

  1. I was just going to say that, I think that we should really establish a training camp.
  2. I was just going to say that, I've been really disappointed with this season.
  3. I was just going to say that, he's a really impressive performer in spite of everything.
  4. I was just going to say that, I've been looking over the files and they're good.
  5. I was just going to say that, the system's down so we can't do much.

You Are Completely Right

"You are completely right" is a good final alternative way to say "I agree with you", because it's fundamentally a very simple phrase. You are telling the person that they are correct, and that there is no space in which they are not correct.

The fact that the person in question is completely right is not to be underappreciated, and is in fact key to the deliberate use of this phrase in different contexts.

Here are some examples that include the use of this phrase:

  1. You are completely right, we should do that soon.
  2. You are completely right, she's so funny.
  3. You are completely right, he's coming over now.
  4. You are completely right, we can't publish this.
  5. You are completely right, that song really is that good.


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